editorial design


OGATA is a temple for Shinichiro Ogata’s philosophy in a way of living. Titled after OGATA Paris, a place where his 20-year-long projects are cumilated; restaurant, bar, tea house, wagashi store, art gallery and fragrance boutique. The book is a visual journey of OGATA Paris, as well as a guide to his vision towards the reinvention of contemporary lifestyle.

A balance of comfort and tension has been explored, with the visual languages of materiality, rhythm and restraints. 

Available for purchase from here.

Opaque paper and translucent paper are used in different chapters.

The former vividly presents the spatial photography to let the readers immerse in, while the latter creates unexpected compositions with the consequent pages in interaction.



Direction: Shinichiro Ogata
Publishing: Rizzoli New York

Writing: Kei Osawa
Photography: Yutaka Yamamoto, L. A. Tomari,
Eisuke Komatsubara, Laurent Dupont, KOS-CREA,
Naoto Kishi, Mitsuo Suma,  Yuichi Ikeda,
Kunihiko Nobusawa, Masaru Mizushima
Project Management: Inez Westerhausen

Graphic Design: Koyuki Inagaki
